Well, that turned into an unintentional blog hiatus. Wow...can't believe my last post was in July! I guess I've been busy! The summer seemed particularly short (thanks new school starting date that takes away 3 weeks of our summer vacation)...because...it was! We took a fantastic vacation to Santa Barbara and Morro Bay in early August (from which I'm STILL processing the photos! Hope to have them in a future post). Then school started and the reality of 8th grade homework (geez there's a lot) hit us and then Ryan got sick and missed almost the entire second week of school...which required a LOT of catch up time (see previous comment about massive amounts of homework) and work was crazy that whole time (of course).
This all left me with no time for birding and even less time to process photos or write blog posts. Hopefully, I can get back on the horse now!
This is my one and only encounter (thus far) with a Ridgway's Rail. Found this shy, secretive bird poking around the mussel beds below the bridge at the Bolsa Chica wetlands.
Only got a few shots before it disappeared into the vegetation...
...this is my favorite one...look at that foot!