Thursday, April 12, 2007

10 Reasons Why Vacation Rocks...

10. No stupid alarm clock blaring an obnoxious DJ voice right into the middle of that great dream where Hugh Laurie and I are…well, never mind about that, but seriously, TOTAL buzz kill.

9. Abundant sunshine, a pool within walking distance and my new green bikini.

8. Tony, the so-cute poolside bar tender who makes a mean Pina Colada.

7. African fennecs (world’s smallest fox species) at the zoo:

6. The kestrel that flew onto a tree branch mere inches from my head and hung out long enough for me to show him to the kidlet.

5. Naps.

4. White-chocolate-covered cheesecake lollipops w/ raspberry sauce. OH. MY. GOD. These were seriously the best dessert EVER.

3. Getting to re-order the cheesecake lollipops for dessert again another night in order to experience their awesomeness for a second time.

2. Finding and using the hotel gym for the first time in my life.

1. And the number 1 reason my vacation rocked? Finding THE shoe bargain of the century – 2 pairs of Kate Spade shoes on sale for $99!

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