Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Creative Journey: Introduction

I spent a lot of time during the holidays thinking about potential blog topics in 2011. Since I'm no longer visiting the deli counter at the grocery store and I'm trying to scale back on the bead porn, the blog was promising to be a pretty barren place if I didn't come up with something quick.

I wish I could say that I was overwhelmed with fantastic ideas, but whether it was the frantic pace of the holidays or too much Nyquil, ideas proved hard to come by. Still, the one that did keep running around through my brain and demanding to make its presence known had to do with my creative journey. Sort of a "how did I get where I'm at" kinda thing.

Since I can't ever move forward with an idea without first trying to talk myself out of it by coming up with all the reasons that it won't work (yeah, my brain is a twisted, strange world...you DON'T even wanna know), I immediately thought "isn't that kinda conceited and self-absorbed?"

And yeah, it kinda probably is. I mean, maybe no one cares.

But then I started to think about why I visit other people's blogs and it really is because I want to get to know the person behind the beads. Otherwise, I'd just buy beads and jewelry and never leave comments or e-mail people. Aren't we all doing this because we're seeking some kind of connection and community with each other?

So, based on that, I decided to go with it.

Plus, I am kinda self-absorbed AND I didn't have any better ideas.

But, I think I can still make it fun...and maybe interactive with some challenges and things along the way. We'll see where the journey takes us.

That's the introduction.

Stay tuned for the next installment: Inheritance.



Unknown said...

As always I am staying tuned!


EB Bead and Metal Works, LLC said...

I think this is a marvelous idea and not conceited or self-absorbed. I like being able to read about the process of how someone created the pieces they did. It is fun to see the creative mind behind the pieces. I can't wait to see where you take us!

lunedreams said...

I for one am dead curious. A glimpse into the mind of KJ would be fascinating and possibly thrillingly disturbing! If anyone can make navel gazing entertaining, YOU can. Can't wait!

Lorelei Eurto said...

I'm intrigued!! gimme more gimme more!

Cathryn said...

But that's just it! We're looking for a connection to each other and the beads! I think you nailed it perfectly! I know when I buy some artisan's beads, it's because I really like the work but also because the artist inspires me to reach out and connect others to his or her work...

TesoriTrovati said...

I am delighted that this is where you will be taking us in 2011. I do go to blogs to form a sense of community and camaraderie. I might start out because of the pretty things that I see but it really is the more deep connections that I make with bloggers far and wide that keep me coming back. I like to be part of the conversation and hearing personal stories and aha moments make me enjoy it so much. I love your bead porn, but just as much I love to hear what you and your young one are up to, the spiders you find, the ongoing soap opera that is the crabitat, the way you view the world and how it responds to you. I look forward to hitching a ride on your coaster, Miss Kelly.
Enjoy the day!

SallyAnderson said...

I look forward to the next installment! For me, as for you, the reason for all this blog reading and hopping and emailing and commenting is to build some kind of community. I don't really have it in my physical community so this is it for now. I love the way you think! Please write more along these lines.

elisabeth said...

I think it will be great, KJ, 'cause you always make me laugh or think or both when I read your posts. It will be fun to learn what made you you.

Erin Siegel said...

Yes, Kelly...You are absolutely right. We are doing this to connect and feel a sense of community. And no, I don't think that telling your story is self-absorbed. It may seem that way to you, but I don't think others view it that way, at least I don't! I'd love to hear your story.

Winchell Clayworks said...

Can't you visit the deli counter again, maybe once a month or so? Those were my favorite stories....

SummersStudio said...

One of my favorite things about reading blogs is getting to know the people behind the jewelry/beads/etc/. I look forward to hearing where you go and I'll defintely keep up even if you nevere ever have a deli counter experience again.

stregata said...

Well, I know I got into blogging for exactly that reason - connecting.
So - this sounds interesting.

Michelle said...

I'm always curious about what is going on behind the scenes and why someone takes the route they do. I think it's a good topic and can't wait to see more.
Bead Happy!

The Joy of Nesting said...

Welcome back Little Miss We are a family that learns from each other,support each other, understand each other. No longer are you the only "Odd Duck" Welcome to the flock...quack...;)

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

Tara P. said...

I love this idea and I believe that's why I started a blog, too - to connect with other people who are interested in the same types of things I am. Of course, I've been a very bad blogger and haven't been updating all that much, but I'm very anxious to hear all about your creative journey. I found your blog about a year ago and spent the entire day reading all the way from the beginning, so I can't wait to learn more!