Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New Merchandise and Summer Sale!

Silver Parrot Designs

Hi everyone!

I'm so excited to announce that all of the new merchandise that didn't sell at the show is now up for sale on the website! Okay, so I fudged a bit on the ear threads page and am missing a few pictures, but they'll be up by tomorrow and I just couldn't wait any longer to bring you all the new goodies!

Don't just check out the New Designs section - that's just a sampling of the best of the best. I've got everything else placed under the proper headings so be sure to check it ALL out!

And to make things even sweeter, I'm looking forward to summer by having a 20% off sale starting today! That's right, everything (including the new stuff) is 20% for all orders that total $15.00 or more (before shipping). The cart should fill in the code for you, but in case it doesn't, the coupon code is "SUMMER" (w/o the quotation marks).

Enjoy the shopping and HAPPY SUMMER!


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