Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yesterday's List

So, how did I do on yesterday’s list? Let’s see:

1. Finish the piece I'm working on right now – YES (at 10:30 last night)

2. Photograph two new pieces – NOPE (only got 1 done)

3. Photoshop my crappy photos to look slightly less crappy – SORT OF (did the photoshopping on the 1 item I took a pic of, but did not achieve the slightly less crappiness I was hoping for)

4. Get the new items loaded onto the website and the New Designs page upated – NO


6. Go to the grocery store – YES (but forgot half the items on my list)

7. Go to the drug store (because, after all, with a life like this, I NEED my drugs) – YES (hey, I HAVE my priorities)

8. Wash, dry, sort, fold and put away umpty-zillion loads of laundry – HELL NO

9. Put some sort of nutritional and yet appetizing (to him) substance in front of the kid for dinner – DOES PB&J COUNT? (hey, before you call the food police, he had yogurt and a banana, too)

10. Spend "quality time" with the kid (does watching "Justice League" on Boomerang count?)- NOT AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO AND WE DIDN’T GET TO WATCH “JUSTICE LEAGUE.”

But, in my own defense, bedtime is only 7:30 PM and it was already 6:15 by the time we got home from going to the stores and we still had to have dinner and shower so you can see we’re kinda time challenged on school nights.

And, to prove I’m not completely derelict in the quality time department, I thought I’d post some pics from a day the kidlet and I spent on Balboa Island last month (see – told you I’m still trying to get caught up on blog entries from a month ago!)

This is the view from the ferry as we travel from the island over to the peninsula. You can see the ferris wheel that marks the location of the famous "Fun Zone."

Another, closer view of the ferris wheel:

After we got off the ferry, kidlet and I rode the ferris wheel (multiple times - he didn't want to get off of it LOL!) Then we played some video games in one of the arcades and then took a boat tour of Balboa Harbor where I took lots of pictures of famous (and RICH!) peoples' houses.

This house belongs to the Wrigley family - of Wrigley's gum and Wrigley field in...Chicago? I think? Anyway, whatever baseball team plays at that field used to be owned by the family and they used to have their spring training over on Catalina Island so the family purchased this house.

You can't see this house as well and it's currently undergoing MAJOR construction, but it belongs to best-selling author Dean Koontz:

This house (the one directly above the boat with the blue cover) originally belonged to George Burns and Gracie Allen:

The house with the green awning originally belonged to Shirley Temple:

And here's another boat put-putting around the harbor:

Proof that the kidlet actually exists (he does - just ask my insurance company!) and that he likes waving at putt-putt boats:

The captain of our boat actually let him steer the boat for a while during the tour which totally made his whole day.

The last two houses used to be one single house. It was owned by "King" Gillette (of Gillette razor fame). His two sons inherited the house, but they hated each other and eventually split it into two houses. But that wasn't enough - the son who had the outermost house (the lighter-colored one on the left) extended his balcony by 18" just so the other son's house would no longer have an ocean view looking down the channel. Ahhh...family togetherness.

This is the jetty separating the harbor from "The Wedge" - the O.C's premiere (and sometimes most dangerous) body surfing beach. I caught quite a few waves there with my dad years ago and I can still remember the time I did a pile-driver into the sand and couldn't turn my head for a week. BIG WAVES! The Wedge is on the other side of the rocks as you're looking at the jetty.

And then we met some "not quite as rich" denizens of the harbor (well, actually, they live on oceanfront property just past the end of the jetty):

Of course, they do have a SLIGHT problem with overcrowding, but hey, they can go out to eat without really leaving their front yard:

If the neighbors didn't keep driving by on an hourly basis in a noisy boat and interrupting their daily siesta, life would be just about perfect:

Except maybe for the sharks? Nahhh...look at this big guy - NOT concerned in the least.

No pillow? No problem. Just use the butt of the guy next to you:


And I took some pictures of this huge sailing yacht on the way back just because it was so pretty:

And after we got off the tour boat, we went back on the ferris wheel and then took the ferry back over to Balboa Island and got Balboar Bars (it's a giant slab of vanilla ice cream on a stick, dipped in chocolate and whatever topping you want - I got rainbow sprinkles)

Okay, tomorrow, back to jewelry pics and beads - assuming I get more photos taken tonight.

Laundry? What laundry?


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