Okay, okay. I won't subject you to any more of my singing.
Or my love of 60's surfin' songs and the Beach Boys (what'd you expect - I AM a California girl after all)
Oh, yes. I did. I did just make that pun ;-) Deal with it.
So, what is all this safari nonsense about anyway?
Ta DA! I call this baby "Sunset Safari." And no, I have no idea why I named it that way. Sometimes certain pieces just tell me their names and I go with whatever they say.
Shhh! Don't tell anyone that my beads talk to me. It'll be our secret.
Here's a closeup of the center. A nugget of dark green faux sea glass, come crackle agate rondelles from Rings 'N Things, carved wood rondelles from Michael's, a couple of different Czech glass beads, some olive jade and the spacers are bronze seed beads.
My dear friend Lorelei was kind enough to gift me with this gorgeous orange enamel bead. I added some brass wire-wrapping and a Vintaj filigree leaf charm.
Here's a less formal look. The chain in the back is from AD Adornments. They have the BEST CHAIN! I just wish they didn't have a $50 minimum, but then again, it's not hard to meet that on their site!
But wait, this necklace has one last secret ingredient:

Yep, that's right, I can lampwork. Well, I could 8 years ago after I took some classes. I still keep hoping one day I can set up the garage as a studio and get a kiln and stuff so I can get back into it. These beads were annealed in a friend's kiln. Anyway, I thought it was time I busted out my own lampwork and used them for something.
Okay, that's it for today. Dude, too bad it's not summertime or I could like totally grab my board and go catch some sweet waves!
Do your talents never cease? You lampwork too!? Wow! Get that studio set up in your garage. I want in on some of that!
I love that enamel bead from Barbara. Reminds me that I have a few of those that need a good home. Such a great friend is Lorelei! (And for the record, we Northern Girls keep our boyfriends warm at night! HA!)
Enjoy the day!
I love the combo! So fun and unique :) I love making lampwork glass :) I guess I am going to have to save you that charm... I will let you know when my shop opens...
Have a fun week!
This is a great necklace! I just love the play of colours and the focal to me is Barbara's enameled bead. But I love that it is set off the side and not in the center. Clever, taleneted girl, you are.
How fun, love the colors. I have one of those enamel beads from Barbara too! I'm waiting for the right design to pop into my head to use it. I want to make sure I do it justice.
Nice Collections & thanks for sharing.
Indian Sterling Silver Jewelry
oooo, this is DELISH! love the colour combination (even tho i HATE orange!) it works!
It's something I would definitely go for! ;o)
Get back to lampworking! Make 2010 the year it happens!
hello gorgeous xxx
i am enamored with the way you altered that last pic with the text box and arrows! there have been many many times in which i have wanted to do something like that on a photo! you ARE a genius.
And uh, that necklace.
Love the necklace. You. So. Totally. Crack. Me. UP! I love reading your posts. Always puts a smile on my face!
Bead Happy!
I didn't know about your lampworking, how cool! I guess "Everybody's learning how"... :)
at Rings & Things
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