That's the one downside of any's that much harder to come back to reality when it's over. Also, I lose track of what day it is.
It was a great long weekend, though. This time I made sure to take enough extra days that even though friends, family, home repairs and life tried REALLY hard to suck up all my free time, I still ended up with ONE day that was all my own.
And it was gooooood.
Friday was cleaning guy, home repairs (toilet has finally be re-installed in the kid's bathroom and all the remaining evidence of the Great Bathroom Flood of 2009 has finally been swept away), errands and ex coming by a day early to see the kid.
Saturday was Tae Kwon Do class, errands and chores and a playdate for the kid
Sunday was a birthday party for my brother.
Monday was a day at the beach with the kid, my best friend and her kids
Tuesday was....all mine, baby!
I resined.
I made jewelry
I took photos and updated both Etsy sites.
And lastly, I took myself to see "Iron Man 2" at the movies because it will probably be another 2 months before I get any free time to myself. It was pretty decent, but not as good as the first one. Oh, and I had to laugh at one point because Scarlett Johansson was SUCH a "badass" in this movie that every time she KO'd a bad guy, her hair actually got curlier. Seriously - she's going down a hallway knocking out people right and left and after EVERY shot, her curls not only spring back into place - they are BETTER than they were before.
Why doesn't MY hair do that?
And also...I bet HER shampoo and conditioner never get discontinued.
In other news - we have much mysterious goings on in the crabitat.
Rocky has disappeared.

In his place, there is this mysterious lump in the sand. I THINK he's buried himself in there to go through a molt - in which case he might not reappear for weeks. Time will tell.
Then I caught Summers doing this a couple of days ago:

He was slowly excavating out a spot under the water dish. I wondered if he might be headed to molt, too, or if he was just digging for the heck of it. Last night, I caught him digging in the same spot again and then when I came in this morning, I couldn't find him in the tank for a long time. FINALLY discovered that he'd gone around to the back side of the water dish and dug himself UNDER the dish. The water dish is now on top of him, but he's not completely covered with sand so if he IS going to molt, he's not in a really good spot. I'm afraid to move him, though, because I don't want to disturb him.
Also, it's really time to clean the tank out completely and re-do all the sand, etc., but I can't do that until everybody finishes whatever molting they might be doing and comes back up from being buried.
Oh, and our local lizard showed up while I was taking pictures in the backyard yesterday:
Kel - Love love love Raven's Wing necklace... Sounds like you enjoyed your vacation...
Great necklace! Love the combination of materials and colours. Do keep us posted on those hermit crabs. I am endlessly fascinated with them.
this is a beautiful necklace..stunning ..
simply fab necklace...
Awesome post today! So glad you are getting "those little things" done, done they make everyday feel better. Peace
Those colors are so great! regards Stefanie
Oy! You're funny!
Busy lady, I am so glad you got to carve out time for yourself. Especially after that much activity!
I'd be so tired, I'd stay in pjs instead of hittin the movies.
I am in love with the Raven's Wing necklace. It is wonderful, with the second wing placed asymmetrically like that. And to get really detailed and chatty in your blog comments, I like how you used the violet link. Normally I do see it being substantial enough to hold a focal like that but you showed me differently! It is lovely.
Love the necklace...very Funky Victorian!
Bead happy!
Great necklace!! Sounds like you had a great day!! It also sounds like you got your ice resin finally!! ;) I am having a BOGO 1/2off sale if there is anything in my shop you feel like Resinating! lol
Have a great week!
Pretty (the necklace not the crab or lizard!)!
Catching up on my reader and saw the GORGEOUS necklace. It is beautiful.
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