You'd think all this recent notoriety would buy me a little more consideration from the public at places like, oh, I don't know, the grocery store, but NO! The GS remains a hellhole which I only visit under extreme duress.
In my case, duress = the kid being convinced that I need to supply him with something approaching healthy food every 3-4 hours or his head will explode.
And since I already had to hose off my carpet once this week, well, off to the GS I went.
Everything went relatively okay for the most part (as long as you discount the woman who decided she needed to bend over and display her whale tail in the bread aisle for 10 minutes thus completely blocking not only all traffic down the aisle but of course the particular bread selection I needed to get to).
But, I weathered that little incident and managed to make it to the checkout line without dealing with the deli countor morons or
accidentally flinging fruit at a perfect stranger.
Sadly, the checkout line was to prove my nemesis on this particular visit. I do try to avoid it by going through the self-checkout process, but I had too much stuff this time and had to go the old-fashioned route.
Only I would get stuck behind a guy who doesn't really speak English and yet is convinced - CONVINCED - that there was a coupon in the paper this weekend for "buy any 4 cases of soda and get a 5th case free." Of course, he "forgot" to bring said coupon with him but he's hauled 5 cases of soda up to the checkout line anyway and could the poor checkout girl please go get a copy of the paper, find the coupon and ring the discount for him?
At least, that's what me and the checkout girl and the bagboy finally figured out he was asking after a good 5 minutes of whatever mishmash of language he was spouting. goes the (overly nice IMO) checkout girl to find the paper and we all look through it for the coupon.
I'm sure you will be SHOCKED to discover that no such coupon exists.
So of course, NOW? Mr. Moron doesn't want his 5 cases of soda any more. Oh, and he doesn't want any of the rest of his groceries (that he's already unloaded onto the conveyor belt) any more either. So the checkout girl and the bag boy have to put everything back into his basket for him to get it off the belt and out of the way.
They're almost done doing this when he decides well, yes, he'll take ONE case of soda after all.
Guess where the soda is?
Yup - bottom of the basket underneath all the rest of his crap.
Oh, did I remember to mention that I couldn't change lanes because my stuff was all out on the conveyor belt already because at the beginning of all this, Mr. Moron put a divider bar down and actually ADMONISHED me for not putting my stuff up onto the belt faster because he'd gone to the incredible EFFORT of making room.
I bet Angelina Jolie doesn't have to put up with this kind of crap!
However, other than that lovely little incident, I actually had a great weekend. Even had time to get some creativity on while the kid was off doing a Cub Scout hike with his Dad. Look - I even have photographic evidence of same:
This is the last of my "resin example" jewelry that I needed to finish. Patera bezels filled with scrapbook paper and flatback crystals on top and then I added some wire wrapped Czech glass beads and some heat-patinated copper beads as dangles.

This bracelet is much mroe delicate than my usual style which was kind of fun to do for a change. The focal is a Jade Scott connector and I've wire-wrapped on some purple glass beads, vintage moonglow green lucite and some orange fiber optic beads. Other side of the bracele is two strands of copper chain.
I finished a necklace, too, but when I woke up this morning and looked at it again, I decided I wasn't quite happy with it so I'm going to have to play around with it a bit more before I post it.

I finished some new resin pendants and beads, too.

Aren't these dragonflies pretty? I thought this artwork was quite unusual.

I made a few beads with butterfly wing designs on them.

This one is my favorite - love the colors on it.

I've got a whole new crop of fairies, too. I'm trying out some new bezels in an oval shape and with different kinds of detailing around them. I call this particular pendant "Fairy Godmother."

And if I'm going to do more fairies, I had to do more mermaids, too, right?

And unicorns.
New stuff will start going up on Etsy tonight and throughout the week.
Enjoy...and stay out of the grocery store!
And I have to go to the dreaded GS tonight. Or sometime soon. There are no baseball games to be had this week for the most part. That means I will actually be expected to COOK, of all things. And this with a million other things I need to be doing other than EATING. Don't stale tortilla chips, cheese sticks and the butt ends of bread count for anything anymore?
Maybe if I cook enough pasta tonight they can eat that as leftovers for the rest of the week.
What do you think?
Enjoy the day!
I hate the GS too especially when everyone is with me! You know the bill goes up 25% more! Ok I don't hate all GS we have an amazing chain here that is fabulous but that is a whole other bill in itself! ;)
What a dips**it, geez! I swear, sometimes people like that just find us...gravitate towards we who have no patience for them...grrrrrr.....
I can totally relate!! Some people!! lol. Great new pieces! Love what you did with your bezels! Those earrings rock!
The butterfly designed pendants are pretty as are the dragonfly pendants.
eww...the grocery store...don't get me started....
I LOVE the new resin designs! The dragoflies are absolutely gorgeous. And I love the new oval prettified bezels!! And the butterflies, too. Can't wait to see them on's going to be hard to make a decision concerning my purchases this week...
Oh I love your gs stories! They make me laugh out loud! Love the earrings and the new pieces! :)
love the earrings and bracelet...yummy.
Off to the grocery store tonight! My friend doesn't work there anymore which always made it more fun 'cuz then I could harass here while checking out.
Bead Happy!
Thanks so much for the smiles and little grins this morning!! This is one of the reasons I adore my husband, he's at the grocery store as I type.....hehehe!! Oh and lets not forget the great eye candy too!!
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