...okay so I need to stop listening to my "The Mamas and the Papa's Greatest Hits" CD on the way in to work on Mondays LOL!
This weekend was jam-packed with activity for a change from our normal, boring, nothing-worth-mentioning happened type of weekend. Firstly, Ryan seems to have recovered from his mystery illness of last week and is actually (shhh...don't tell anyone) healthy right now. Saturday was our neighborhood's annual summer block party so DH took Ryan out to play with the other kids in the all the wading pools that everyone had set up. It was 98 degrees out which is a bit too toasty for me and plus, I had work that had to get done so I didn't make it out for the party.
I got the kitchen cleaned up and lots of laundry taken care of including actually putting the clean clothes away (which is the part of the laundry process that I suck the most at). For some reason, I just have a tendency to let baskets of clean laundry sit around a little too long. But hey, it's hard to concentrate on such mundane things when beautiful beads are constantly calling your name and asking you to come over and play.
Once the laundry was done, it was time to get down to real business. I had a custom order that had to get finished and in the mail on Saturday. Normally, I'm not in such a rush, but Ryan's illness caused me to lose 2 whole weeks! Although my customer was very nice and patient about it (thank you, Cathi!), I still don't like to be late on things. Here's a pic of the finished piece:

The colors are fairly subdued in the scan, but they are pastel lavender and pink peyote tube beads w/ black edging. The accent beads are Bali silver and Swarovski pearls in pink and lavender. Total length is 17" with a 2" extender.
Since I was already working, I finally dragged out some of my bead show purchases and got working on a design with them. I used some mint green prehnite rondelles and mixed them with Bali silver and some gorgeous glowing pink freshwater pearls. The focal bead is one of those fabulous sterling silver pendants I got at the show two weeks ago. It reminds me of some kind of pirate treasure so I named this 19" necklace "Ancient Treasure":

After that was done, it was time to go check on the boys at the party and get lunch and then get Ryan down for his nap. I got another new necklace partially designed while he was sleeping, but it's not done yet. I'm hoping I can finish it tonight.
After that, my mom came over to babysit Ryan so DH and I could go to the movies. We had planned to see "The Brothers Grimm" (hey, whaddaya want, the pickings at the movies are pretty slim right now) but it was sold out so we ended up at "March of the Penguins" instead. I'd heard great things about it, but it really exceeded my expectations. These animals are truly magnificent and the ordeals they endure are really unbelievable. Plus, the scenery and photography are quite spectacular.
There was an extra added mystery to this experience for us, though. As the previews got under way, theater personnel came in and blocked off the two rows of seats in front of us to allow a special group to enter. This group is a mixture of men, women and children and of multiple races and they are accompanied by one uniformed security guard and one plainclothes guard with a Secret Service-type radio in his ear and a weapon in the fanny pack he was wearing. Another guard arrives with bags of take-out food from a nearby restaurant (and since when did a theater let people bring in their own food?!) and serves it to the group of people in a very deferential manner. In fact, some of the people in the group were quite obviously acting in "servant" role to others in the group. There was a lot of bowing and subservient body language. After the movie was over, they made all the rest of us wait to exit the theater until this group had gotten out of their seats and was on their way out. Once we did make it into the main hallway, I saw two more plainclothes security people with ear radios and concealed weapons.
I don't know who these people were or why they were in our little rinky dink theater, but I'm not sure I'm crazy about being in the same place as people who feel it necessary to have that much private security! It was kinda creepy. And of course, the mystery of not knowing what was going on still bugs me LOL!
Sunday was a girl's day out as my friend, Laura, came to visit me. We went out to lunch at The Stadium Brewery and then we went to see "Must Love Dogs." It's been so long since I got out to a movie and I actually got to do two in one weekend! I didn't know much about the film except that it has John Cusack in it and I just LOVE him. "High Fidelity" and "Grosse Pointe Blank" are two of my favorite movies of all time and I will pretty much go see anything he does. The movie was funny and overall really good (although the plot meandered a bit at times). I was impressed with Diane Lane's performance as well. After the movie, Laura and I went and got pedicures and then it was time to head home where Laura was nice enough to purchase the "Enchanted Evening" bracelet I posted last week. So, if you were interested in that design, sorry, but it's gone. Thanks, Laura!!
I picked up the boys and we also picked up my mom at her house and then it was off to my brother's house to see the newly decorated nursery before we all went out to dinner at Claim Jumper. Did you know they've done away with their salad bar??!!! Neither did we! Horrors! We're not sure if it's just that location or all of them, but it really messed us all up because most everyone had planned to order the salad bar (it was kinda the reason we went there LOL). But, we muddled through and then hit Coldstone Creamery for dessert. It was okay, but it ain't no Maggie Moo's ;-)
Ryan sang all the songs he knows in the car on the way home which was incredibly cute to us, but I'm sure no one else cares LOL! Then it was time to tuck him into bed and I got to settle down with two of my favorite HBO shows - "Entourage" and "The Comeback." The perfect ending to a pretty fantabulous weekend if I do say so myself.
Now, if I can just get that other necklace finished tonight...