A. I have nothing else interesting to write about
2. I have a killer migraine and am going to bed REAL SOON NOW!
(also, I am a bit backed up on porn posts due to TOO MUCH ETSYING and need to get caught up)

Beautiful green leaf toggle from Erin and Every Heart Crafts. I bought a bunch of these in different colors from her and I've been hoarding them every since. I need to do something with one of them - this may be my next project as soon as I finish the 4 things I'm working on now. I like to have multiple projects going on in different phases so I can kind of bop around between them if I get bored.
Right now I have 1 item in what I call "mental design phase." I've got the clear picture in my head and have gathered most or all of the supplies to make it. Still waiting on one package which the USPS website tells me took 1 day to cross the country from Missouri to California, but has since taken 2 days to get from San Bernardino to Anaheim. That's a trip of about 30 minutes, folks. Wonder how many days it will take to get from Anaheim to Aliso Viejo (aka the parrot cage)? Cuz that's a 30 minute trip, too. Unless you take the toll road in which case it's 15 minutes. Maybe by next week?
I've got two items in various stages of "resination." That's a new phase category I came up with since I started working with resin. Bezels only take 1-2 stages. 1 stage for the artwork or whatever you're putting inside them and then 1 stage for the actual resin pouring and curing and drying. Molds take 2-3 stages. 1-2 initual pours to layer in the things you want to put in and then a final stage to finish off the back. And each stage takes 24-36 hours.
The last item is in the actual creation phase. I have about 1/3 of a necklace completed. I just ran out of time to do the rest.
Hmmm...whaddaya know...guess I had more to talk about today than I realized. Maybe head pain spurs creativity?
Or else I'm babbling incoherently and just THINK I'm communicating clearly?
Maybe I should go back to the porn...
Pretty clay beads from Maccarroll on Etsy. I had intended to make something all Easter-y with the ones on othe left, but I guess that's not happening now. Easter, 2011, here I come!

I'm mostly a silver kinda gal, but I do like to keep a little bit of gold around in case I get an idea that just can't survive without some touches of the world's most precious metal. I have nothing against gold (well, except how much it costs maybe) - I just tend to naturally gravitate towards silver for some reason. It's only recently that I've even begun to incorporate things like copper and brass into my designs. But really, there's nothing like gold for adding warmth and richness to a design. These pieces are from Sweet Rock Candy on Etsy.

Of course, my first and truest love is lampwork. I will always be a lover (and severe hoarder) of lampwork. I imagine that when I die, my son (and his future wife who will probably think I'm really weird and totally hate me) will have to bury my vast, unused, carefully hoarded collection of lampwork with me because they won't know what it is or what else to do with it. Oh wait, maybe I can leave instructions that the beads have to be set into my headstone! I will have the sparkliest headstone in the graveyard...tee hee!
Uhhh...is it weird that I sometimes think about how my headstone should look or what songs should be played at my funeral?

Just one word: yum.
Okay. Maybe a few more ;-)
As for Easter? I am with ya! I have a bunch of eggy looking beads from Andrew Thornton (if I can find which envelope they came in and where I put said envelope) that were to be a spring masterpiece. Maybe we can start a trend and go for Easter in October (you know...like Christmas in July?). I think I need to go lie down too. Headache city, sister.
Enjoy the day. (Sorry now exclamation point. Hurts my head to look at them.)
i love my macarroll beads! yours are nice too! checked out bb glassart, very cool beads!
fell better!!
What lovely pieces...I'm green....LOL
Hope your head is much better!
Bead Happy!
Great stuff, wonderful ideas in store I am sure...
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