First, check out my NEW business cards:

Phone number and e-mail are blocked for purposes of posting here, but you get the idea. I LOVE THEM! My friend Mike made them for me (thanks, Mike!)
The first of the bonus bead money packages have begun to trickle into my mailbox:
I wonder if the IRS will accept this year's tax payment in the form of jewelry? I think we should be able to do that -after all, people used to pay their taxes with wheat, sheep, eggs, whatever they produced on their land. I'm picturing a room full of IRS agents knee deep in beads, chain, ribbon, etc.
And then I made this:
The mixed strands of chain and pearls came from Michael's.
I added the Patera bezel pieces that I filled with French designs and ICE Resin and wire-wrapped everything together with some lavender/gold Czech glass.
Le closeup :-)
The clasp also came from Michael's in a pack of 3 clasps that all coordinated with this chain/pearl mixture.
Another closeup. I'm soooo happy with these bezels. They really came out well.
However, now that I'm looking at the overall design again...I'm not sure it's workig for me. The pearls are too white? The lavender beads don't go? I thought about using red, but it seemed a bit harsh so I went with a softer color. Maybe the bezel strand just doesn't tie into the other strands as well as I'd hoped?Hmmm...may have to re-work this.
Started another resin project last night. It still needs to cure a couple more days, but everything looked good so far this morning. I didn't see any clouding or major bubbles. Now, I just need to figure out phase two and get it done without ruining everything.
Interesting note - when I mixed up the batch of resin yesterday, it had a LOT of bubbles in it. WAY more than and of the other batches I've mixed up, but I didn't do anything differently so not sure why that occurred other than maybe because I'm getting to the end of the bottles?
I guess it's a good thing my new resin arrived in the mail yesterday :-)
Love you, USPS!!
I actually like this. Maybe some dingle-dangles of some purple beads in between the pearls?
I wonder if the temperature or humidity could play a roll in the bubbles...
Ohh la la, I love the theme of the bracelet!
Enjoy the day!
Two things: 1. Love the bracelet. Very pretty. 2. The IRS is already knee deep in something--but it's not beads and baubles. :-)
KJ, I like the contrast of the white pearls. I think the whole thing works well design wise. Your resin pieces turned out really well!
Hi KJ--Your new business cards and VERY nice. Love the color and the parrot in the background. I also really like the bracelet and wouldn't change anything about it. My first reaction was "Oooooo, how pretty and feminine"--I can see it with a dressy outfit or jeans. Aren't we always our own hardest critic? BTW--how's the parrot and the crabs??? Are you winning the fingernail, toenail battle? CJ
It's wonderful just the way it is. I wouldn't change a thing.
you are rockin' the resin bezels!!! those are awesome!!! i love the bracelet as it is too and wouldn't change anything. sweet!
Love the cards, they are very fresh and calming. The necklace is wonderful! I can't wait to see what you got in the mail. I have to live vicariously through you.....
I think the design is perfect. Don't change a thing!
Bead Happy!
Looks good to me. The bezels do look pretty.
i really like this braclet..the pearls,clasp and lavender beads with the brass are lovely..i like the resin pieces too..however maybe one or two less of those would give them more of a focal place
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